
random mommy thoughts!

Quick thoughts before I work out:

I told hubby about the diaper buying and he just laughed at me *blushes*

I haven't received my bsrbs or my Der Auto GM yet, and it's killing me!!!

I traded my woven gaias gift for an EUC shiitake gm, so I am pretty psyched about that... what else?!

I had to mail a gm soaker, i mixed up them soakers in my last batch of sent dipes >< opps! till the matching soaker is received my Celebrity TT is sitting on the sidelines.

Tempy hasn't pooped in 48 hours. 24 is normal, 48 is mildly constipated. She doesn't seem to care!

I have to reserve cottages for my friends Thanksgiving vacation, darnit!

I NEED to sit down and do bills for this paycheck

Chris SHOULD promote in the next couple of months- he is 3rd on the darn list and 6-7 people are promoting!

My dog is a lazy bones

Dexter was great last night- the baby they picked for Harrison is adorable :D

House is on tonight! wee!

I want to start unswaddling Tempy at night *sighs* am scared!!!

my daughters citrus fizz is to die for:


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