
I'm an (addicted) goodmama

Alrighty, in an effort to curb diaper spending- I am resurrecting my old blog. I was going to type "from the dead" but that is redundant.

Obviously it has been months since I last wrote- but I have a feeling that this blog will be used as retail-avoidance-therapy ;) Damn you PayPal for making it sooo easy to spend our money!

I could relate the past however many months- but I won't. It all comes out the same: I had my baby! There were tears, lots of blood- many months of no sleeping... but I have her, and she is now a healthy 5 month old darling :)

A quick rundown of my parenting style: breastfeeding, baby-wearing, cloth diapering (junkie), and mostly-attached parent. There are lots of in-betweens, we do what works for our family. I try to do what is best for my baby at all times, and sometimes I succeed :D



My husband is in the mix here too, and sometimes you might even hear about him :D I love him dearly, and he is the best father for my daughter I could have asked for. This post is mainly to keep me from buying more diapers- and to hopefully expend my baby-talk energy. That way I can talk about the latest episode of Dexter to hubby, instead of my babies poop. Sounds good to me :)

That being said, I made a short video for Angela on how I put my babies goodmama on. I have *no* idea if I am doing it correctly, but it's how I get a great, cute fit! It took me a while to figure it out- but with the guidance of my fellow goodmama junkie Kelsey, I eventually got it down :) BSRB'S on the other hand? Meh! I think I do it right, but only Joyce would know.

Oh, and before I leave you with a parting video... let me express my deepest regret that I caved and purchased a diaper this morning. Goodmama TT Palpitations- the white one with orange/red/pink hearts all over it. It was only 15$ EUC.. so whatever ;) I <3 it (ironically!). We have tons of crap to do in the next few months- birthdays, balls, baby and puppy related. All of which are freakishly expensive no matter how many diapers I might want to take home :D

ONE MORE THING: the painters have arrived. My husband is in the military- we live on post... and people are constantly moving in/out. Whenever that happens they slap an unhealthy fresh coat of paint on the walls and call it clean (despite the cockroaches). WEEEELLLLLL, they are upstairs making noise, and it's driving me up a wall. First the movers on Thursday, and now the painters today. Probably the maintenance crew tomorrow, and the cleaners after that. In the end I just get another set of crappy neighbors to put up with, and scream at to shut the hell up through the wall. FANTASTIC.

Here ya go:

1 comment:

Angie said...

Great video!!! Thanks a bunch for doing that! We all know if you don't have a great fit you'll get leaks and blow outs which is NO fun!