
Baby, oh Baby!

Oh, I'm such a jackass! I sat here and watched 1.5 hours of baby stories... and nearly cried through the whole damn thing! Why is it that these things rarely moved me towards emotion at all, but now they bring on the waterworks like a bad roll in monopoly?

I am so very excited about the baby :) When I watch these shows it reminds me that eventually we will have a new family member, and they give me a feeling of completion. I think every woman is wired similarly, but differently.

Once you are pregnant, nothing can stop you from nurturing the little thing inside you (whether it was wanted or not). That is the similarity. Our bodies leak out nutrients to the little parasite inside our uterus, and our tit's start leaking out milk to feed them one they are outside. Mother Nature pre-programmed our bodies to go from MTV nightlives, to TLC baby cribs in nine months or less.

Our MINDS are what is different. Why not heart? Because to suggest the lack of need/want of a child means there is no heart? That is not only biased, but completely closed-minded. Our minds are what finally make the decision to spawn. Some women go through life feeling complete and full with a cat, empty refrigertor and healthy/random sex (I'm being serious). Some women need/want a partner and just that. Some need a dog, some need a garden. Some need a reptile, some need a bird. Some need a career, some need art. It really just depends!

My point is that my life already feels more full and content with this baby in me. And there are those that say a contended mind is a lazy one... and I say "Fuck You". I can understand that turmoil of the heart can lead to great art, but I will trade that in any day for a slice of happiness. Like I said, different wirings!

(note to reader, expect a rant on my disaproval of those that think their beliefs and ideas on life are better than others: a comparison to religion)

And the idea of our little baby is already making me so very thrilled :) I want to give this baby the very best of everything. The best of nutrition, the best of love, the best of joy, the best of safety, the best of controversy, the best of nature, the best of hard work, the best of hard life. I want the baby to be nurtured! I don't know how to explain it, but I want my child to understand open-mindedness, and love. I want them to understand unlucky predicaments, and appreciate how hard work pays off. I just want to wrap this baby in the dreams of my excited 20 year old youth.

So MAYBE the little bean won't have the most mature parents (not sure if that would have ever changed) but it will definitely have loving, creative, hopefuly and optimistic parents that just want their baby to grow into the ... most it can be! To fullfill it's personality! To be itself, fully and with complete confidence!


With that said, we are going to start in on the nursery VERY soon. Since s/he's going to be a Virgo (god forbid the baby be premature!), so I have decided on a very earthy room for it! I am not sure if animals are going to be included, but there are going to be clean lines and distinct modern colors. We are thinking a pale olive green, and brown for the ceiling. Maybe I will paint trees upside-down! I want to get a rug, and put that on the floor and get a neat cubby-hole type thing to put baby toys/clothes in :)

Chris demands the baby's first shoes be Vans ^^ Fine with me, as long as Chucks are the second pair.

I already decided on what type of diapers we are going to use! They are called gdiapers, www.gdiapers.coM. A tad more expensive, but well worth it! They use a great material, look awesome and best of all: greenfriendly! It takes 700 years for diapers to friggin decompose! So, these have a flushable liner- and that makes me happy ^^

Ok well, I NEED to go. Bathroom time! I have to pee so often, it's ridiculous!

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